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Recent Events

AFFECT is hosting a day-long mentoring workshop in conjunction with the 2023 AFA meetings.

Date: January 5, 2023
Time: 8 AM -5 PM
Location: Sheraton, Oak Alley

The event will include both breakout research sessions and panel discussions led by mentors. Twelve women, each of whom is a senior faculty member within finance, have generously offered to serve as mentors. The breakout sessions will be in small groups, organized by research area. The panel discussions will focus on issues such as publishing, effective teaching, and work/life balance. In addition, there will be two dinners, to give participants added opportunity to network.

AFA membership is required.

AFFECT Webinar on research-related issues

Date: November 15, 2022

Topics will include: developing new ideas, positioning the paper, getting feedback, managing co-author relationships, and more. 

Panelists include:

  • Cami Kuhnen: Professor of Finance and Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Scholar at University of North Carolina, NBER Research Associate
  • Simi Kedia: Professor of Finance and Albert R. Gamper Chair in Business at Rutgers Business School
  • Margarita Tsoutsoura: Associate Professor of Finance at Washington University in St Louis, NBER Research Associate

The panel will be moderated by Michelle Lowry, TD Bank Professor of Finance at Drexel University.

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