Rick Green Prize

The Journal of Finance is seeking to establish a new paper prize to promote the work of early-career researchers. The prize will be dedicated to Rick Green, an esteemed former editor of the journal known for his unwavering support of students and junior faculty. Eligible papers will be those where all researchers are less than 7 years out from their PhD graduation at the time of paper submission. The prize will be awarded annually, following the established selection process used for the JF’s existing prizes, the Brattle Group Prize and the Dimensional Fund Advisors Prize. The plan is to award $5,000 in prize money each year.

To launch this prize and establish an initial endowment fund, we are aiming to raise $100,000. Our hope is that fellow scholars and friends of Rick, especially former students, colleagues, past editors and associate editors of the JF, and all those who value Rick Green’s contributions to the academic community will consider making a tax-deductible contribution through the provided link below. By supporting the Rick Green Prize, you will not only honor the memory and legacy of a remarkable mentor and scholar but also invest in the future of finance research, empowering the next generation of brilliant minds to make lasting impacts in the field.