2023 AFA Annual Meeting (Sponsored by Cornerstone Research): Data and Drinks Reception: January 6, 2023, New Orleans Sheraton
January 5, 2023: Day-long mentoring workshop in conjunction with the 2023 AFA meetings.
December 15, 2022: AFFECT/JFE call for funding proposals
November 15, 2022: Webinar on Research Issues
Topics will include: developing new ideas, positioning the paper, getting feedback, managing co-author relationships, and more.
Panelists include:
- Cami Kuhnen: Professor of Finance and Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Scholar at University of North Carolina, NBER Research Associate
- Simi Kedia: Professor of Finance and Albert R. Gamper Chair in Business at Rutgers Business School
- Margarita Tsoutsoura: Associate Professor of Finance at Washington University in St Louis, NBER Research Associate
The panel will be moderated by Michelle Lowry, TD Bank Professor of Finance at Drexel University.
June 15, 2022: Call for funding proposals
June 8, 2022: Management Science Editor Interview (Victoria Ivashina)
Session 5: Management Science
Co-sponsored by CSWEP
Interviewee: Victoria Ivashina, Editor
Interviewer: Tania Babina, Columbia University and Nandini Gupta, Indiana University
June 1, 2022: Review of Finance Editor Interview (Alex Edmans)
Session 4: Review of Finance
Co-sponsored by CSWEP
Interviewee: Alex Edmans, Editor
Interviewer: Irene Yi, University of Toronto and Ayako Yasuda, University of California-Davis
May 18, 2022: RCFS Editor Interview (Andrew Ellul)
Session 3: Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Co-sponsored by CSWEP
Interviewee: Andrew Ellul, Editor
Interviewer: Elena Simintzi, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Léa Stern, University of Washington
May 12, 2022: RAPS Editor Interview (Zhiguo He)
Session 2: Review of Asset Pricing Studies
Co-sponsored by CSWEP
Interviewee: Zhiguo He, Editor
Interviewer: Anastassia Fedyk, University of California-Berkeley and Sophie Shive, University of Notre Dame
May 4, 2022: JFQA Editor Interview (J. Conrad, T. Foucalt, J. Harford)
Session 1: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)
Co-sponsored by CSWEP
Interviewee: Editors – Jennifer Conrad, Thierry Foucault, and Jarrad Harford
Interviewer: Jialan Wang, University of Urbana Champaign and Giorgia Piacentino, Columbia University
Office Hours with Senior Women in Finance
- Session 1: March 10, 2022 with Laura Field: Life after tenure: Increased service load / possible editorial service / more freedom
- Session 2: March 14, 2022 with Victoria Ivashina: Co-authors: how to find them, how to manage co-author relationships
- Session 3: March 22, 2022 with Leader: Elena Asparouhova: Covid / isolation: I haven’t gotten to know my new colleagues because everybody is working from home
- Session 4: March 28, 2022 with Diane Del Guercio: Juggling multiple projects at multiple stages
- Session 5: April 5, 2022 with Mara Faccio: Research: how to get feedback, when to submit
- Session 6: April 13, 2022 with Anat Admati: Bias / discrimination / sexism: how to handle these challenging issues
2022 AFA Annual Meeting: Data and Drinks Reception: January 6, 2022
Location: ASSA 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting
We discussed AFFECT’s 2021 activities and heard about the AFA Climate survey from Renee B. Adams and Michelle Lowry:
You can download Renee and Michelle’s paper here
View the slide presentation here
View the Data & Drinks Event:
Here is a short preview of their findings:
With the support of the AFA, we surveyed current and recent past members of the AFA on the professional culture in the field of finance. Responses highlight that individual experiences vary substantially within the field of finance, especially across gender and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, women have lower job satisfaction than men, and the survey responses provide a unique means to examine the factors underlying this pattern. We also provide evidence on the costs of virtual work. Both inequities across gender and the shock to virtual work entail costs at the individual level and to the profession as a whole.
Gender, Race and Entrepreneurship
Date: August 24, 2021
Mike Ewens will be presenting an online lecture for WEFI (Workshop on Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation ) on “Gender, Race and Entrepreneurship”.
Here is a short summary of the lecture:
“This lecture will review of the economics of discrimination with a focus on the unique ways it manifests itself in firm formation and financing decisions. The presentation will cover the recent advances in testing alternative explanations for differential treatment by gender/race and propose a framework for future research in the area.”
Find out more information about WEFI and the lecture series here: WEFI Lecture Series
August 17, 2021: More Effective Teacher, More Productive Researcher
The panel aims to provide tips on effective teaching, especially for junior faculty members at research-oriented schools, with an emphasis on the common and connected skills to make both teaching and research more productive. Topics to be discussed include: How do we demonstrate our competence without evoking backlash? How do we establish our authority without compromising our authenticity? How do we switch from preparing more to preparing more effectively? The expert-led panel will focus on these and other challenges related to faculty identities (e.g., gender, race, age, nationality, caregiver status) in a situational setting. Drawing on scientific insights and personal experiences, the panel will offer practical strategies that faculty can adapt in the classroom and the broader profession.
Panel Leader: Alexandra Sedlovskaya, Associate Director, C. Roland Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Business School
Panelists: Jacelly Cespedes, Assistant Professor, Carlson School of Management
Emily Williams, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School
Irene Yi, Assistant Professor, Rotman School of Management
Wei Jiang (Moderator), Arthur F. Burns Professor of Free and Competitive Enterprise, Columbia Business School
June 15, 2021: 16th Annual Pre-WFA Early Career Women in Finance Conference (ECWFC)
The full program of the conference can be found here
CSWEP Career Development Webinars: Co-sponsored by AFFECT
Publishing in Finance: Fireside Chats with Journal Editors
May 26, 2021: Session 11 Review of Financial Studies
Interviewers: Manasa Gopal, Georgia Tech and Zheng Sun, University of California, Irvine
Interviewee: Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania
May 5th, 2021: Session 10 Journal of Finance
Interviewers: Andra Ghent, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
Ashleigh Eldemire-Poindexter, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Interviewee: Stefan Nagel, The University of Chicago
April, 21, 2021 Session 9 Journal of Financial Economics
Interviewers: Anusha Chari, CSWEP Assoc. Chair and Director of Mentoring, and Julia Fonseca, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Interviewee: Toni Whited, University of Michigan
Friday, January 8, 2021: AFFECT Mentoring event
Saturday, January 2, 2021: Reception at ASSA/AFA 2021 Annual Meetings, virtually 6- 7 pm
Members of the AFFECT Committee discussed their activities over the past year, and data from the recent survey of COVID-19 effect on research productivity.
How has COVID-19 impacted faculty productivity? Does it differ by characteristics such as gender and family structure? To answer these questions, we conduct a survey of American Finance Association (AFA) members. The AFFECT board have co-authored a research paper summarizing our findings: What Explains Differences in Finance Research Productivity During the Pandemic?
August 4, 2020: Virtual AFFECT seminar
The second AFFECT virtual seminar focused on financial institutions and coronavirus crises. Organized by Victoria Ivashina and Heather Tookes.
June 16, 2020: Virtual AFFECT Seminar
June 12, 2020: A Discussion of COVID-19 and Academic Career Management
June 3, 2020: The power of positivity
Cornerstone Research Women’s Forum hosted a virtual presentation on thriving through adversity. Virtual event featured Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, a leading expert on the science and psychology of happiness to address the issues which have arisen through the pandemic.
March 30, 2020: Women in Finance Workshop
The second Women in Finance Workshop hosted by the Center for Advanced Studies on the Foundations of Law and Finance. The workshop was held at the House of Finance in Frankfurt, Germany.
March 20, 2020: Showcasing Women in Finance 2020
The Department of Finance at the University of Miami School of Business Administration, AFFECT and CIBER jointly hosted the 2020 conference on Showcasing Women in Finance.
January 5-6, 2020: ASSA meetings in San Diego, CA. The CeMENT mentoring workshops are funded by the American Economic Association to help female junior economists overcome the tenure hurdle.
January 4th, 2020: 2020 AFA Annual Meeting Panel: Women in Economics – Perspectives and New Initiatives from Five Professional Associations . Hosted By: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, American Finance Association & Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession.
2020 AFA Annual Meeting: Data and Drinks Reception January 3, 2020: San Diego, CA
January 3, 2020: AFFECT Mentor Coffee event
Events & Conferences 2019
November 22, 2019: Showcasing Women in Finance–EU
The Luxembourg School of Finance at the University of Luxembourg and AFFECT jointly organized the fourth conference on Showcasing Women in Finance. This Showcase was a continuation of the series of Showcase events hosted by the University of Miami, the Stockholm School of Economics, and AFFECT.

September 27-28, 2019: The Women Assistant Professors of Finance Conference at NYU, Stern.

June 18th, 2019: AFFECT Breakfast at the Western Finance Association — Huntington Beach, CA. Breakfast at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach, California.
January 5th, 2019: Session at the Annual Meeting, Barriers to Boardrooms: Chair-Renee Adams
2019 Annual AFA Meetings: Data and Drinks Reception, January 4th, 2019. We are especially proud that Cornerstone Research joined as sponsoring our reception at this conference.
Data Presented:
- As in Economics the gender gap increases with rank
- The gender gap increases with increased research expectations (doctoral programs)
- BUT: On average, Finance does worse than Economics at every level
- Goal to have department survey every year
- Click here for the full powerpoint presentation

Events & Conferences 2018
December 19th – 20th, 2018: Board Diversity Quotas: Yes, No, Maybe? — Stockholm
To mark the 10 year anniversary of the Norwegian Board Gender Quota, AFFECT chair, Renee Adams co-organized a conference that examined the pros and cons of quotas…
Showcasing Women in Finance 2018
The Department of Finance at the University of Miami School of Business Administration, AFFECT and CIBER hosted the 2018 conference on Showcasing Women in Finance.
AFA Annual Meeting Paper Session
Saturday, January 6th, 2018 paper session with the theme “Sex, Race and Finance”, chaired by Renee Adams.
2018 AFFECT Reception
Friday, January 5th, 2018 from 7:00 pm – 9:00pm, Philadelphia, PA.
Data presented :
- A key take-away is that Women’s propensity to co-author with other women has increased over time
- Another key take-away is that representation of women in publications is increasing, although the number is lower in the top 3 Journals.
- The data also analyses how women choose their co-author and what influences their decision such as networking or seniority.
- Click here for the full powerpoint presentation.

Events & Conferences 2017
Western Finance Association
2017 Annual Meeting of the Western Finance Association, June 25th – 28th, 2017 in Whistler, Canada. AFFECT hosted a breakfast.
Showcasing Women in Finance 2017
March 4, 2017: AFFECT jointly held their first conference on Showcasing Women in Finance with The Department of Finance at the University of Miami School of Business Administration.
2017 AFFECT Reception
- Data presented included statistics based on AFA data, on NBER data, and on keynotes.
- The first key take-away is that there is a steady decrease in the representation of women, from the entry student level to the most prestigious NBER appointees and keynote speakers.
- The second key take-away, based on an analysis of cites, is that there are many qualified women who are less recognized for potential high-level roles.
- These trends suggest that policies aimed at increasing female representation at the top of the profession should direct their focus on the existing graduates and junior faculty. It is imperative to reduce the leaky-pipeline effect, both to increase women’s representation into the profession and to attract more women to the profession. Attempting to increase female representation at the PhD level without addressing the leaky-pipeline effect is likely to have limited results.
- Click here for a more detailed summary of results, as well as the full powerpoint presentation.

Events & Conferences 2016
May 16, 2016: 2016 SFS Cavalcade in Toronto.
AFFECT hosted a breakfast and anybody interested could have registered through the SFS Cavalcade.
The Official Launch of AFFECT
2016 AFA Meetings, January 3, 2016 6:30-8:30 PM, San Francisco Marriott Marquis.
Events & Conferences 2015
2015 FMA Women’s Networking Breakfast
- The majority of the women in attendance had a tenured or tenure-track faculty position. There were also some PhD students and some women with research positions in non-academic institutions (for example, the FED).
- The first key take-away is that the vast majority of women feel that women face more difficulties than men in obtaining tenure, a sentiment that is supported by related research in economics.
- Second, women face many constraints, which affect conference attendance.
- Third, most women find it relatively easy to talk to people and network, after getting an introduction, suggesting that the benefits of attending more conference would be large.
- Fourth, women tend to spend more time on committee or other university service, compared to professional service that is related to research.
- Full results can be found here.
A few figures:
- The vast majority of women feel that women face more difficulties than men in obtaining tenure, a sentiment that is supported by related research in economics.