Fischer Black Prize

The Fischer Black Prize honors the memory of Fischer Black, formerly a General Partner at Goldman Sachs and Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago (1971-1975) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1975-1984).  His seminal research included the development (with Myron Scholes) of the widely applied Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model. The prize was established in 2002 and honors individual financial research. It is awarded for a body of work that best exemplifies the Fischer Black hallmark of developing original research that is relevant to finance practice. The winner must either be under age 40, or under age 45 for a winner who had not been awarded a Ph.D. (or equivalent) by age 35. The prize is awarded biennially at the Association’s Annual Meeting. The original prize amount of $15,000 was made possible by contributions from donors in 2002. The prize amount was increased to $50,000 in 2019 thanks to additional contributions by the 2018 donors (donor names listed below).

Fischer Black Prize Winners:

Tyler Muir, University of California, Los Angeles, 2025
Johannes Stroebel, New York University, 2023
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University, 2021
Ralph Koijen, University of Chicago, 2019
Amir Sufi,
University of Chicago, 2017
Yuliy Sannikov,
Princeton University, 2015
Ulrike Malmendier,
University of California, Berkeley, 2013
Xavier Gabaix,
New York University, 2011
Harrison Hong,
Princeton University, 2009
Tobias J. Moskowitz,
University of Chicago, 2007
No winner was selected in 2005

Raghuram G. Rajan,
University of Chicago, 2003

Fischer Black Prize Award Committee:

Markus Brunnermeier (Chair), Princeton University
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley
Andrea Eisfeldt, University of California, Los Angeles
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University
Anna Pavlova, London Business School

The Association is grateful to those whose contributions made this prize possible:

2002 Donors2018 Donors
Norman MasonAsness Family Foundation
Gifford & Vivian FongCarliss Y. Baldwin
Peter & Barbara BernsteinDavid Booth
Douglas & Josie BreedenDoug & Josie Breeden
Michael BrennanMichael Brennan
George ConstantinidesGary P. Brinson
John & Maria CoxJohn and Maria Cox
Darrell Duffie & Denise SavoieDouglas W. Diamond and
Chi-fu Huang Elizabeth Cammack Diamond
Hayne LelandDarrell Duffie and Denis Savoie
Robert LitzenbergerEugene F. and Sallyann D. Fama
Andrew & Nancy LoGifford and Vivian Fong
Stewart MyersKenneth R. and Vickie A. French
David PyleCampbell Harvey
Stephen & Carol RossHua He
Eduardo SchwartzRoy Henriksson
Jack TreynorLawrence and Deborah Hilibrand
Jiang Wang & Jing LuoAyman Hindy
Bradford Hu
Chi-fu Huang
Hayne Leland
Litterman Family Foundation
Litzenberger Family Foundation
John W. Meriwether
David Modest and Forbes Singer
Maureen O’Hara
Radhika Puri and Raghuram Rajan
Fran and Eric Rosenfeld
Bill and Kathy Sharpe