Moving to Online Publication in 2024

The Journal of Finance will be published in online-only format effective with the 2024 volume. Published articles will continue to be published on Wiley Online Library and disseminated quickly through the journal’s broad network of indexing services. Articles will also continue to be discoverable through popular search engines.

AFA 2023 Election Results

Congratulations to the officers and directors elected in the AFA 2023 election:

President: Monika Piazzesi,
President Elect and 2025 Program Chair: Ulrike Malmendier,
Vice President: Wei Jiang,
Directors: Viral Acharya, Kai Li, Christine Parlour

AFA Elections – Now Closed

The 2023 AFA elections are now open through Friday, November 17th. All voting-eligible members have been sent a link to the ballot via email. Note that student members and individuals with a Worldwide Directory of Finance Faculty listing, but without a current, paid membership, are not eligible to vote. If you did not receive the ballot email but believe that you should have, please contact

The 2023 election ballot provides an opportunity to:

  • Vote for incoming Officers and Directors
  • Vote to approve or disapprove changes to the AFA Bylaws
  • Suggest names for future elections and AFA committees

Thank you for your membership and participation in the AFA. Be sure to cast your ballot by Friday, November 17th, 2023.

Guidelines for the AFA Rookie Recruiting Cycle

In the interest of developing a more coordinated job market that benefits all involved, the AFA Board of Directors has approved the following recommended guidelines regarding the rookie job market. Please consider these guidelines as you participate in the 2023-24 job market.

Timing of offers and “exploding” offers

In order to ensure that the job market remains sufficiently synchronized and thick, and that candidates have a chance to compare offers, the AFA recommends that employers leave job offers open (i.e. do not require candidates to accept or decline) until at least February 12 (midnight).

The AFA also strongly recommends that employers give candidates at least two weeks to consider their job offer.  We recognize that offers made late in the job market season (e.g., March or later) may be of shorter duration.  In some circumstances, employers are under heavy pressure to give less time to candidates for various reasons.  If that is absolutely necessary, we recommend that employers give candidates a minimum of one week to consider the offer, and that candidates be given advance notice of this (e.g. at the flyout stage) whenever possible. Rationale: Recently, there is concern about a rise in “exploding offers” – i.e., offers for which candidates are given too few days to sufficiently consider the offer and their alternatives. This can prevent candidates from learning about their options or comparing offers, and at the extreme can be coercive.  Giving candidates two weeks (or, late in the job market season, at least one week) to consider an offer is a reasonable standard.

These guidelines are designed for the AFA rookie recruiting cycle and do not pertain to recruiting cycles for other job markets such as the FMA or European job markets.

The AFA 2024 Annual Meeting program is now online.

The AFA 2024 Annual Meeting will be held January 5-7, 2024 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) in San Antonio, Texas.

  • AFA Sessions will take place at the Marriott Rivercenter. ASSA Headquarters will be the Grand Hyatt San Antonio.
  • Registration, housing and other meeting information is on the AEA website.
  • The AFA Program and AFA PhD Student Poster Session are now available as well as the full ASSA Program. NOTE: For authors who need to make changes to their papers (title, abstract, presenter, author affiliations, etc.), please email