Journal of Finance webinar: 2023 Dimensional Fund Advisors Prize

We hope you will join us on June 20 at 11am EST for a webinar of the 2023, First Prize, Dimensional Fund Advisors Prize winning paper:

Nicolas Crouzet and Janice Eberly for Rents and Intangible Capital: A Q+ Framework

The webinar will be hosted by Jonathan Lewellen, Co-Editor of the Journal of Finance, and representatives of Dimensional Fund Advisors.  A short paper presentation will be followed by Q&A’s from the hosts and the audience.

Join the webinar with this link:

In Memoriam: Michael Jensen, Past-President of the American Finance Association, (1939-2024)

Former AFA President (1992) Michael Jensen passed away on April 2, 2024. A prolific scholar, Professor Jensen was also the co-founder of the Journal of Financial Economics. He is best known for his work on agency theory. His seminal paper, Theory of Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure,” was written in 1976 with William H. Meckling while they were both professors at the University of Rochester. Professor Jensen received his undergraduate degree from Macalester College and his MBA and PhD from the University of Chicago.  He was a chaired professor at the Harvard Business School until 2000.  A tribute from Eugene Fama can be read here

Journal of Finance webinar: 2023 Brattle Prize

On May 14 from 11am- 12pm EST the Journal of Finance will host a webinar of the 2023, First Prize, Brattle Group Prize winning paper:

Daniel Paravisini, Veronica Rappoport, Philipp Schnabl for Specialization in Bank Lending: Evidence from Exporting Firms

The webinar will be hosted by Antoinette Schoar, Executive Editor of the Journal of Finance, and representatives of The Brattle Group.  A short paper presentation will be followed by Q&A’s from the hosts and the audience.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Moving to Online Publication in 2024

The Journal of Finance will be published in online-only format effective with the 2024 volume. Published articles will continue to be published on Wiley Online Library and disseminated quickly through the journal’s broad network of indexing services. Articles will also continue to be discoverable through popular search engines.