Sad news: David Mayers, Co-Editor of the Journal of Finance (1988-1995), Passed Away

David Mayers was professor emeritus of finance at UC Riverside’s School of Business. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Rochester, his M.B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and his B.S. in engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis.

Dave Mayers served as co-editor of the Journal of Finance from 1988-1995 during his time as the Arthur E. Shepard Professor of Insurance at Ohio State University (1986 to 1995). He is remembered by colleagues at OSU as helping OSU finance take major strides forward. He had a considerable impact on the Ph.D. program and on the general culture of the department there.

In his research, Dave will be remembered for introducing non-marketable assets (such as human capital) in the CAPM, for some of the earliest research on block trades,  and for a considerable body of work on the insurance industry . His most cited paper, “On the corporate demand for insurance”, co-authored with Cliff Smith, derives conditions under which firms will hold insurance contracts. He will be missed.

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Jean Tirole is the 2022 AFA Fellow

Jean Tirole has been elected by the existing AFA Fellows to be the 2022 Fellow.  Professor Tirole is honorary chairman of the Foundation JJ Laffont-Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), and scientific director of TSE-Partnership. He is also affiliated with MIT, where he holds a visiting position, and the Institut de France. Professor Tirole’s research covers industrial organization, regulation, finance, macroeconomics and banking, and psychology-based economics. Jean Tirole has published over two hundred articles in international reviews, as well as twelve scientific books. Published in English in 2017, his latest book entitled Economics for the Common Good is accessible to a wide audience and available in a number of other languages. He is laureate of numerous international distinctions, including the 2007 CNRS gold medal and the 2014 Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel.