Johannes Stroebel Selected as 2023 Fischer Black Prize Winner

Johannes Stroebel is the David S. Loeb Professor of Finance at the New York University Stern School of Business. He joined NYU in 2013 from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he was the Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Economics.

Professor Stroebel conducts research in climate finance, household finance, social network analysis, macroeconomics, and real estate economics. He has won numerous awards, including the AQR Asset Management Institute Young Researcher Prize and the Brattle Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Finance. He has also won an Andrew Carnegie fellowship and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Economics. Professor Stroebel is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, and Econometrica.

Professor Stroebel read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Merton College, Oxford, where he won the Hicks and Webb Medley Prize for the best performance in Economics. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics at Stanford University, where he held the Bradley and Kohlhagen Fellowships at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.

The Fischer Black Prize honors the memory of Fischer Black, formerly a General Partner at Goldman Sachs and Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago (1971-1975) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1975-1984). The winner of the $50,000 prize must either be under age 40, or under age 45 for a winner who had not been awarded a Ph.D. (or equivalent) by age 35. The prize is awarded biennially at the American Finance Association’s Annual Meeting.

AFA 2022 Election Results

Congratulations to the officers and directors elected in the AFA 2022 election:

President: Markus Brunnermeier,
President Elect and 2024 Program Chair: Monika Piazzesi,
Vice President: Ulrike Malmendier,
Directors: Alex Edmans, Nadya Malenko, Wei Xiong

AFA Elections – Now Closed

The 2022 AFA elections are now closed. All regular members of the AFA were sent an email with a link to candidate bios and a ballot. Note: Student Members and Worldwide Directory of Finance members without a paid membership are not eligible to vote.

Guidelines for the AFA Rookie Recruiting Cycle

The AFA rookie job market cycle of 2021-2022 created uncertainty, confusion, and unneeded stress for job market candidates and for recruiters. In the interest of developing a more coordinated job market that benefits all involved, the AFA Board has the following suggested guidelines.

Timing of interviews:

Initial interviews can be virtual or in person, but the AFA recommends that the initial interviews should not begin before December 15, 2022, and that the timing of the “campus visit” should occur after the AFA meeting.

Timing of job offers:

In order to facilitate the best matching between candidates and positions, the AFA Board believes strongly that job offers should remain open until at least February 20. The AFA Board also encourages employers to abstain from giving exploding offers with too short of a time frame, since they are unfair to the candidates. Consequently, the AFA promotes the following professional norm: If a job candidate receives and accepts a coercive exploding offer (i.e., one that expires before February 20), the AFA does not consider such an acceptance to be binding.

These guidelines are designed for the AFA rookie recruiting cycle and do not pertain to recruiting cycles for other job markets such as the FMA or European job markets.