No. The Ombuds does not provide legal or other kinds of advocacy or enforce the AFA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
I may want to file a formal complaint. Can I talk to the AFA Ombuds first?
Yes. As a confidential resource, the Ombuds also provides a means to discuss informal and formal options off-the-record. While the Ombuds is empowered to provide only informal assistance, you may consult with the Ombuds for help in identifying appropriate resources for filing a formal grievance.
Are there issues the AFA Ombuds cannot help me with?
The Ombuds provides only informal assistance, and does not make or override decisions, determine policy, testify or participate in formal actions, provide legal advice, or accept legal notice for the AFA or any other institution, entity, or person. If you wish to file a formal grievance or to go on-record, the Ombuds can help you locate appropriate formal channels so you can make choices about which process is best for you to pursue.
What can the AFA Ombuds do to help me?
As a confidential, informal resource, the Ombuds can help you identify resources and develop strategies and options to address your concerns. This may include, for example: providing a sounding board; helping to locate relevant policies and resources; and providing strategies for self-advocacy, difficult conversations, and managing conflict.
What kinds of issues can the AFA Ombuds help with?
The Ombuds may be contacted for assistance with concerns about AFA core activities, an AFA member’s home institution, or the full range of issues involving the academic finance profession, including but not limited to, concerns about ethical breaches and sexual harassment and discrimination.