The Journal of Finance

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The Leasing Puzzle

Published: 09/01/1984   |   DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1984.tb03892.x


Prevailing theories in finance and economics suggest that leases and debt are substitutes; an increase in one should led to a compensating decrease in the other. In particular, there are three views on the magnitude of the substitution coefficient. Standard finance theory treats cash flows from lease obligations as equivalent to debt cash flows, thus describing the tradeoff between debt and leases as one‐to‐one. Others are willing to use a tradeoff of leases for debt which is less than, but close to, one. The rationale for a dollar of leases using less of debt capacity than a dollar of debt obligation is based upon the differences in the terms and nature of lease and debt contracts. Finally, there are some who argue that since leased assets may be firm‐specific, the risk of moral hazard may be great, resulting in a tradeoff of greater than one‐to‐one; that is, a dollar of a lease obligation uses more of debt capacity than a dollar of a debt obligation.

Marginal Tax Rates: Evidence from Nontaxable Corporate Bonds: A Note

Published: 03/01/1985   |   DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1985.tb04953.x


This study offers an alternative method of calculating marginal personal tax rates through the pairing of nontaxable (industrial development and pollution control) and taxable corporate bonds. This procedure is shown to produce matched bond pairs that are comparable. Two hundred pairs of bonds are examined from the second quarter of 1973 through the second quarter of 1983. Testing of the marginal tax rate relationships indicates that the marginal personal tax rate is less than the corporate statutory tax rate.

Shelf Registrations and Shareholder Wealth: A Comparison of Shelf and Traditional Equity Offerings

Published: 06/01/1986   |   DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1986.tb05048.x


This study examines the effect of issuing common stock on shareholder wealth under two alternative methods of registration, shelf registration under the Securities and Exchange Commission's Rule 415 and the traditional method of registering shares for immediate sale. The stock price reactions accompanying security registrations and offerings over the period from March 1982 through November 1983 are examined for over two hundred issues. A negative price reaction is observed for traditional and shelf registrations for both utility and non‐utility issuers. No statistically significant difference is observed between shelf and traditional registrations. Further negative price reactions precede the offerings of these securities.